Triton cluster
Triton is the Aalto high-performance computing cluster. It serves all researchers of Aalto, but is currently coordinated from within the School of Science. Access is free for researchers (see Triton accounts, students not doing research should check out our intro for students). It is similar to the CSC clusters, though CSC clusters are larger and Triton is easier to use because it is more integrated into the Aalto environment.
Videos of this topic may be available from one of our kickstart course playlists: 2024, 2023, 2022 Summer, 2022 February, 2021 Summer, 2021 February.
These are designed to be read in-order by every Triton user when they get their accounts (except maybe the last ones). In order to use Triton well, in the Hands-on SciComp roadmap you should also know the Basics (A) and Linux (C) levels as a prerequisite.
Cluster ecosystem explained
Running calculations
- Slurm: the queuing system
- Interactive jobs: running your first command
- Serial jobs: running in the queue
- Monitoring job progress and job efficiency
- Parallel computing: different methods explained
- Array jobs: embarassingly parallel execution
- Shared memory parallelism: multithreading & multiprocessing
- MPI parallelism: multi-task programs
- GPU computing
- Job dependencies
Supports by discipline
(Updating in progress)
See our general information and the full list below:
- Applications: General info
- FHI-aims
- Armadillo
- Boost
- COMSOL Multiphysics
- dcm2niix
- Deep learning software
- Detectron
- Fenics
- FMRIprep
- Freesurfer
- Gurobi Optimizer
- Intel Compilers
- Julia
- Jupyter on Triton
- Keras
- LLMs
- Using Mathematica on Triton
- Matlab
- MLPack
- [obsolete] MNE
- NVIDIA’s singularity containers
- Octave
- OpenFoam
- OpenPose
- Paraview
- Python
- Python Environments with Conda
- IPython Parallel
- PyTorch
- R
- RStan
- RStudio
- Siesta & Transiesta
- Your own notebooks on Triton via
- Snakemake
- Speech2Text: Easy Speech Transcription
- Spyder
- Tensorflow
- Theano
- VisIT
- VSCode on Triton
- Whisper
Detailed instructions
See also
Scientific computing resources
SCIP – Scientific Computing in Practice courses: organized by SciComp. Including Triton kickstarts and many others
Hands-on Scientific Computing: map of important computing skills
Software Carpentry (scientific computation basics) and Code Refinery (more focused on programming techniques)
General links
CSC - Finland’s academic computing center.
FGCI user’s guide at CSC: That is a general Guide to FGCI resources. Triton is one of them.
CSC HPC guides at CSC: a Triton like cluster at CSC. Similar setup, thus examples and instructions can be useful.