Using the cluster from a command line


Videos of this topic may be available from one of our kickstart course playlists: 2024, 2023, 2022 Summer, 2022 February, 2021 Summer, 2021 February.

A shell is the command-line terminal interface which is the most common method of accessing remote computers. If you are using a cluster, you aren’t just computing things. You are programming the computer to do things for you over and over again. The shell is the only option to make this work, so you have to learn a little bit.

Schematic of cluster with current discussion points highlighted; see caption or rest of lesson.

We are still only on the login node. If you stop here, you aren’t actually using the cluster - just the entry point. If you run too much code here, you’ll get a polite message asking to use the rest of the cluster.


  • A terminal is the physical or software device that sends lines and shows the output.

  • A shell is the interface that reads in lines, does something with the operating system, and sends it back out.

  • The command line interface refers to the general concept of these lines in, lines out.

All these terms are usually used somewhat interchangably.

Why command line interfaces?

The shell is the most powerful interface to computers: you can script other programs to do things automatically. It’s much easier to script things with text, than by clicking buttons. It’s also very easy to add the command line interfaces to programs to make them scriptable. Shells, such as bash or zsh, are basically programming languages designed to connect programs together.

Image of terminal with two commands ran: ``whoami`` and ``hostname``

Image of a terminal - this is what does it all.

In the image above, we see a pretty typical example. The prompt is darstr1@login3:~$ and gives a bit of info about what computer you are running on. The commands whoami tells who you are (darstr1) and hostname tells what computer you are on (

You can also give options and arguments to programs, like this:

$ python --seed=50

The parts are like this:

  • python is the program that is run.

  • and --seed=50 are arguments. It tells the program what to do, and the program can interpert them however it wants. For Python, is the Python file and that Python file itself knows how to handle --seed=50.

These arguments let you control the program without modifying the source code (or clicking buttons with your mouse!). This lets us, for example, make a shell script that runs with many different --seed values automatically (this is a hint about our future!).

You will learn all sorts of commands as you progress in your career. The command line quick reference gives the most important ones.

Files and directories

On your phone and other “app”-like things, data just exists - you don’t really know where. Now, you are the programmer doing scientific computing, so you have to make more meaningful decisions about data arrangement. This means knowing about files (a chunk of data) and directories (hierarchical storage units, also known as folders). On a cluster, you can’t throw everything into the same place. You need to sort stuff and keep it organized. File names are an essential part of automating things. Thus, you need knowledge of the storage hierarchy.

Everything on a Unix (Linux) system is organized in a hierarchy. There aren’t “drives” like “C-drive”, different storage systems can be available anywhere:

  • / is the root of the filesystem

  • /home/ is a directory (“home directories”)

  • /home/darstr1/ is the home directory of the user darstr1

  • /home/darstr1/git/ is the directory darstr1 uses to store general git repositories.

  • … etc

  • $HOME is an environment variable shortcut for your home directory.

  • ~ is another shortcut for you home directory.

  • On Triton, /scratch/ is the basic place for storing research data. Also on Triton, $WRKDIR is a shortcut for your personal space in scratch (this is an environment variable).

On a graphical computer, you open a window to view files, but this is disconnected from how you run programs. In a shell, they are intrinsically connected and that is good.

The most common commands related to directories:

  • pwd shows the directory you are in.

  • cd NAME changes to a directory. All future commands are relative to the directory you change to. This is the (current) working directory

  • ls [NAME] lists the contents of a directory. [NAME] is an optional directory name - by default, it lists the working directory.

  • mkdir NAME makes a new directory

  • rm -r NAME removes a directory (or file) recusrsively - that and everything in it! There is no backup, be careful.

Exercises, directories

You have to be connected to the custer and have a terminal to do these exercises.

Shell-1: Explore directories

If you are not at Aalto, try to do similar things but adjusted to your cluster’s data storage.

  • Print your current directory with pwd

  • List the contents with ls

  • List the contents of /scratch/, then the contents of another directory within it, and so on.

  • List your work directory $WRKDIR.

  • Change to your work directory. List it again, with a plain ls (no full path needed).

  • List your home directory from your work directory (you need to give it a path)

  • Log out and in again. List your current directory. Note how it returns to your home directory - each time you log in, you need to navigate to where you need to be.

Shell-2: Understand power of working directory

  • ls /scratch/cs/

  • Change directory to /scratch

  • Now list /scratch/cs, but don’t re-type /scratch.

Copy your code to the cluster

Usually, you would start by copying some existing code and data into the cluster (you can also develop the code straight on the cluster). Let’s talk about the code first. You would ideally have code in a git repository - this version control system (VCS) can tracks files, synchronizes versions, and most importantly lets you copy them to the cluster easily.

You’d make a git repository on your own computer where you work. You would sync this with some online service (such as Github ( or Aalto Gitlab (, and then copy it to the cluster. Changes can go the other way. (You can also go straight from computer→cluster, but that’s beyond the scope of now). Git is outside the scope of this tutorial, but you should see CodeRefinery’s git-intro course, and really all of CodeRefinery’s courses. This isn’t covered any further here.

We are going to pretend we are researchers working on a sample project, named hpc-examples. We’ll pretend this is our research code and keep using this example repository for the rest of the tutorials. You can look at all the files in the repository here: .

Let’s clone the HPC-examples repository so that we can work on it. First, we make sure we are in our home directory (we always want to make sure we know where we are! The home directory is the default place, though):

$ cd $HOME

Then we clone our git repository:

$ git clone

We can change into the directory:

$ cd hpc-examples

Now we have our code in a place that can be used.


Storing your analysis codes in your home directory usually isn’t recommended, since it’s not large or high performance enough. You will learn more about where to store your work in Data storage.

Shell-3: clone the hpc-examples repository

Do the steps above. List the directory and verify it matches what you see in the Github web interface.

Is your home directory the right place to store this?

Shell-4: log out and re-navigate to the hpc-examples reports

Log out and log in again. Navigate to the hpc-examples repository. Resuming work is an important but often forgotten part of work.

Running a basic program

But how would you actually run things? Usually, you would:

  • Decide where to store your code

  • Copy your code to the cluster (like we did above with the hpc-examples repository)

  • Each time you connect, change directory to the place with the code and run from there.

In our case, after changing to the hpc-examples directory, let’s run the program using Python (this will be our common example for a while):

$ cd hpc-examples
$ python3 slurm/ 10000

The argument “10000” is the number of iterations of the circle in square method of calculating π.


This is running your program on the login node! Since this takes only a second, it’s OK enough for now (so that we only have to teach one thing at a time). Since May 2024, Triton limits resources for each logged in user, and running too much might possibly block future logins.

You will learn how to run programs properly starting in Slurm: the queuing system.

Shell-5: try calculating pi

Try doing what is above and running several times with different numbers of iterations. Try passing the --seed command line option with the values 13, and 19759.

From this point on, you need to manage your working directory. You need to be in the hpc-examples directory when appropriate, or somehow give a proper path to the program to be run.

Shell-6: Try the --help option

Many programs have a --help option which gives a reminder of the options of the program. (Note that this has to be explicitly programmed - it’s a convention, not magic.) Try giving this option to and see what happens.

Copying and manipulating files

More info: Linux shell crash course

  • cp OLD NEW make a copy of OLD in NEW

  • mv OLD NEW renames a file OLD to NEW

  • rm NAME removes a file (with no warning or backup)

A file consists of its contents and metadata. The metadata is information like user, group, timestamps, permissions. To view metadata, use ls -l or stat.

Shell-7: (optional) Make a copy of

Make a copy of the program we have been using. Call it

Editing and viewing files

You will often need to edit files (in other words, change their contents). You could do this on your computer and copy them over every time, but that’s really slow. You can, and should, do basic edits directly on the cluster itself.

  • nano is an editor which allows you to edit files directly from the shell. This is a simple console editor which always gets the job done. Use Control-x (control and x at the same time), then y when requested and enter, to save and exit.

  • less is a pager (file viewer) which lets you view files without editing them. (q to quit, / to search, n / N to research forward and backwards, < for beginning of file, > for end of file)

  • cat dumps the contents of a file straight to the screen - sometimes useful when looking at small things.

Shell-9: Create a new file and show its contents

Create a new file poem.txt. Write some poem in it. View the contents of the file.

Shell-10: (optional, advanced) Edit

Remember the file you made? Add some nonsense edits to it and try to run it. See if it fails.


Shell-11: (advanced, to fill time) shell crash course

Browse the Linux shell crash course and see what you do and don’t know from there.

See also

This is only a short intro.

What’s next?

The next step is looking at the applications available on the cluster.