Monitoring job progress and job efficiency
Videos of this topic may be available from one of our kickstart course playlists: 2024, 2023, 2022 Summer, 2022 February, 2021 Summer, 2021 February.
You must always monitor jobs to make sure they are using all the resources you request.
Test scaling: double resources, if it doesn’t run almost twice as fast, it’s not worth it.
seff JOBID
shows efficiency and performance of a single jobsslurm queue
shows waiting and running jobs (this is a custom command)slurm history
shows completed jobs (also custom command)GPU efficiency: A job’s
field shows GPU performance info and ,sacct -j JOBID -o TRESUsageInAve -p
shows this. (custom setup at Aalto, won’t work on others).
When running jobs, one usually wants to do monitoring at various different stages:
Firstly, when job is submitted, one wants to monitor the position of the job in the queue and expected starting time for the job.
Secondly, when job is running, one wants to monitor the jobs state and how the simulations is performing.
Thirdly, once the job has finished, one wants to monitor the job’s performance and resource usage.
There are various tools available for each of these steps.
See also
Please ensure you have read Interactive jobs and Serial Jobs before you proceed with this tutorial.
Monitoring during queueing
The command slurm q
/slurm queue
(or squeue -u $USER
) can be used
to monitor the status of your jobs in the queue. An example output is given below:
$ slurm q
60984785 interacti _interactive 0:29 2021-06-06T20:41 RUNNING pe6
60984796 batch-csl hostname 0:00 N/A PENDING (Priority)
Here the output are as follows:
shows the id number that Slurm has assigned for your job.PARTITION
shows the partition(s) that the job has been assigned to.NAME
shows the name of the submission script / job step / command.TIME
shows the amount of time of the job has run so far.START_TIME
shows the start time of the job. If job isn’t currently running, Slurm will try to form an estimate on when the job will run.STATE
shows the state of the job. Usually it isRUNNING
shows the names of the nodes where the program is running. If the job isn’t running, Slurm tries to give a reason why the job is not running.
When submitting a job one often wants to see if job starts successfully.
This can be made easier by running slurm w q
/slurm watch queue
or (watch -n 15 squeue -u $USER
This opens a watcher that prints the output of slurm queue
every 15
seconds. This watcher can be closed with <CTRL> + C
. Do remember to
close the watcher when you’re not watching the output interactively.
To see all of the information that Slurm sees, one can use the command
scontrol show -d jobid JOBID
The slurm queue
is a wrapper built around squeue
-command. One can also
use it directly to get more information on the job’s status. See
squeue’s documentation for more
There are other commands to slurm
that you can use to monitor the
cluster status, job history etc.. A list of examples is given below:
Slurm status info reference
Command |
Description |
Status of your queued jobs (long/short) |
Overview of partitions (A/I/O/T=active,idle,other,total) |
list free CPUs in a partition |
Show status of recent jobs |
Show percent of mem/CPU used in job. See Monitoring. |
Show GPU efficiency |
Job details (only while running) |
Show status of all jobs |
Full history information (advanced, needs args) |
Full slurm command help:
$ slurm
Show or watch job queue:
slurm [watch] queue show own jobs
slurm [watch] q show user's jobs
slurm [watch] quick show quick overview of own jobs
slurm [watch] shorter sort and compact entire queue by job size
slurm [watch] short sort and compact entire queue by priority
slurm [watch] full show everything
slurm [w] [q|qq|ss|s|f] shorthands for above!
slurm qos show job service classes
slurm top [queue|all] show summary of active users
Show detailed information about jobs:
slurm prio [all|short] show priority components
slurm j|job show everything else
slurm steps show memory usage of running srun job steps
Show usage and fair-share values from accounting database:
slurm h|history show jobs finished since, e.g. "1day" (default)
slurm shares
Show nodes and resources in the cluster:
slurm p|partitions all partitions
slurm n|nodes all cluster nodes
slurm c|cpus total cpu cores in use
slurm cpus cores available to partition, allocated and free
slurm cpus jobs cores/memory reserved by running jobs
slurm cpus queue cores/memory required by pending jobs
slurm features List features and GRES
slurm q
slurm watch shorter
slurm cpus batch
slurm history 3hours
Other advanced commands (many require lots of parameters to be useful):
Command |
Description |
Full info on queues |
Advanced info on partitions |
List all nodes |
Monitoring a job while it is running
As the most common way of using HPC resources is to run non-interactive jobs, it is usually a good idea to make certain that the program that will be run will produce some output that can be used to monitor the jobs’ progress.
The typical way of monitoring the progress is to add print-statements that produce
output to the standard output. This output is then redirected to the Slurm
output file (-o FILE
, default slurm-JOBID.log
) where it can be
read by the user. This file is updated while the job is running, but after some
delay (every few KB written) because of buffering.
It is important to differentiate between different types of output:
Monitoring output is usually print statements and it describes what the program is doing (e.g. “Loading data”, “Running iteration 31”), what is the state of the simulation (e.g. “Total energy is 4.232 MeV”, “Loss is 0.432”) and to get timing information (e.g. “Iteration 31 took 182s”). This output can then be used to see if the program works, if the simulation converges and to determine how long does it take to do different calculations.
Debugging output is similar to monitoring output, but it is usually more verbose and writes the internal state of the program (e.g. values of variables). This is usually required during development stage of a program, but once the program works and longer simulations are needed, printing debugging output is not recommended.
Checkpoint output can be used to resume the current state of the simulation in the case of unexpected situations such as bugs, network problems or hardware failures. These should be in binary data as this keeps the accuracy of the floating point numbers intact. In big simulations checkpoints can be large, so the frequency of taking checkpoints should not be too high. In iterative processes e.g. Markov chain, taking checkpoints can be very quick and can be done more frequently. In smaller applications it is usually good to take checkpoints if the program starts a different phase of the simulation (e.g. plotting after simulation). This minimizes loss of simulation time due to programming bugs.
Simulation output is something that the program outputs when the simulation is done. When doing long simulations it is important to consider what output parameters do you want to output. One should include all parameters that might be needed so that the simulations do not need to be run again. When doing time series output this is even more important as e.g. averages, statistical moments cannot necessarily be recalculated after the simulation has ended. It is usually good idea to save a checkpoint at the end as well.
When creating monitoring output it is usually best to write it in a human-readable format and human-readable quantities. This makes it easy to see the state of the program.
Checking job history after completion
The command slurm h
/slurm history
can be used to check the history
of your jobs. Example output is given below:
$ slurm h
JobID JobName Start ReqMem MaxRSS TotalCPUTime WallTime Tasks CPU Ns Exit State Nodes
60984785 _interactive 06-06 20:41:31 500Mc - 00:01.739 00:07:36 none 1 1 0:0 CANC pe6
└─ batch * 06-06 20:41:31 500Mc 6M 00:01.737 00:07:36 1 1 1 0:0 COMP pe6
└─ extern * 06-06 20:41:31 500Mc 1M 00:00.001 00:07:36 1 1 1 0:0 COMP pe6
60984796 hostname 06-06 20:49:36 500Mc - 00:00.016 00:00:00 none 10 10 0:0 CANC csl[3-6,9,14,17-18,20,23]
└─ extern * 06-06 20:49:36 500Mc 1M 00:00.016 00:00:01 10 10 10 0:0 COMP csl[3-6,9,14,17-18,20,23]
Here the output are as follows:
shows the id number that Slurm has assigned for your job.JobName
shows the name of the submission script / job step / command.Start
shows the start time of the job.ReqMem
shows the amount of memory requested by the job. The format is an an amount in megabytes or gigabytes followed byc
for memory per core or memory per node respectively.MaxRSS
shows the maximum memory usage of the job as calculated by Slurm. This is measured in set intervals.TotalCPUTime
shows the total CPU time used by the job. It shows the amount of seconds the CPUs were at full utilization. For single CPU jobs, this should be close to theWallTime
. For jobs that use multiple CPUs, this should be close to the number of CPUs reserved timesWallTime
shows the runtime of the job in seconds.Tasks
shows the number of MPI tasks reserved for the job.CPU
shows the number of CPUs reserved for the job.Ns
shows the number of nodes reserved for the job.Exit State
shows the exit code of the command. Successful run of the program should return 0 as the exit code.Nodes
shows the names of the nodes where the program ran.
The slurm history
-command is a wrapper built around sacct
-command. One
can also use it directly to get more information on the job’s status. See
sacct’s documentation for more
For example, command
sacct --format=jobid,elapsed,ncpus,ntasks,state,MaxRss --jobs=JOBID
which will show information as indicated in the --format
option (jobid,
elapsed time, number of reserved CPUs, etc.). You can specify any field of
interest to be shown using --format
CheckingCPU and RAM efficiency after completion
You can use seff JOBID
to see what percent of available CPUs and RAM was
utilized. Example output is given below:
$ seff 60985042
Job ID: 60985042
Cluster: triton
User/Group: tuomiss1/tuomiss1
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 2
CPU Utilized: 00:00:29
CPU Efficiency: 90.62% of 00:00:32 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:16
Memory Utilized: 1.59 MB
Memory Efficiency: 0.08% of 2.00 GB
If your processor usage is far below 100%, your code may not be working correctly. If your memory usage is far below 100% or above 100%, you might have a problem with your RAM requirements. You should set the RAM limit to be a bit above the RAM that you have utilized.
You can also monitor individual job steps by calling seff
with the syntax
When making job reservations it is important to distinguish
between requirements for the whole job (such as --mem
) and
requirements for each individual task/cpu (such as --mem-per-cpu
E.g. requesting --mem-per-cpu=2G
with --ntasks=2
and --cpus-per-task=4
will create a total memory reservation of
(2 tasks)*(4 cpus / task)*(2GB / cpu)=16GB.
Monitoring a job’s GPU utilization
See also
GPU computing. We will talk about how to request GPUs later, but it’s kept here for clarity.
When running a GPU job, you should check that the GPU is being fully utilized.
When your job has started, you can ssh
to the node and run
. It should be close to 100%.
Once the job has finished, you can use slurm history
to obtain the
and run:
$ sacct -j JOBID -o TRESUsageInAve -p
This also shows the GPU utilization.
If the GPU utilization of your job is low, you should check whether
its CPU utilization is close to 100% with seff JOBID
. Having a high
CPU utilization and a low GPU utilization can indicate that the CPUs are
trying to keep the GPU occupied with calculations, but the workload
is too much for the CPUs and thus GPUs are not constantly working.
Increasing the number of CPUs you request can help, especially in tasks that involve data loading or preprocessing, but your program must know how to utilize the CPUs.
However, you shouldn’t request too many CPUs: There wouldn’t be enough CPUs for everyone to use the GPUs and they would go to waste (all of our nodes have 4-12 CPUs for each GPU).
The scripts you need for the following exercises can be found in our
hpc-examples, which
we discussed in Using the cluster from a command line (section
Copy your code to the cluster).
You can clone the repository by running
git clone
. Doing this
creates you a local copy of the repository in your current working
directory. This repository will be used for most of the tutorial exercises.
Monitoring-1: Adding more verbosity into your scripts
is a shell command which prints something - the equivalent of “print debugging”.
is a shell command that prints the current date and time. It is useful for getting
Modify one of the scripts from Serial Jobs with a lot of echo MY LINE OF TEXT
to be able to verify what it’s doing. Check the output.
Now change the script and add date
-command below the echo
Run the script and check the output. What do you see?
Now change the script, remove the echos, and add “set -x” below the
-comments. Run the script again. What do you see?
Using echo
-commands is a good way of verifying what part
of the script is being executed.
Using date
-commands in your script is a good way of checking
when something was executed.
Using set -x
will cause the shell to print every command it
executes before it executes them. It is useful for debugging
complex scripts with if-else-clauses, where you might not know
what is exactly being executed:
#SBATCH --time=0:10:00
set -x
srun python3 slurm/ 10000
The output (notice the +srun python3 ...
line. This is
automatically printed right before the command runs.):
$ cat slurm-19207417.out
+ srun python3 slurm/ 10000
Calculating pi via 10000 stochastic trials
{"pi_estimate": 3.126, "iterations": 10000, "successes": 7815}
Monitoring-2: Basic monitoring example
Using our standard
Create a slurm script that runs the algorithm with 100000000 (\(10^8\)) iterations. Submit it to the queue and use
slurm queue
,slurm history
to monitor the job’s performance.Add multiple job steps (separate
lines), each of which runs the
with increasing number of iterations (from range 100 - 10000000 (\(10^7\)). How does this appear inslurm history
Monitoring-3: Using seff
Continuing from the example above,
to check performance of individual job steps. Can you explain why the CPU utilization numbers change between steps?
This is really one of the most important take-aways from this lesson.
allows you to check efficiency of specific steps.
You should see that steps with low number of iterations had very low cpu
efficiency, while higher amount of iterations had better efficiency.
The important thing to note here is that each srun step has to finish before next one can start. This means if you have steps with different resource requirements in one job, lot of the resources you requested will be going to waste.
Monitoring-4: Multiple processors
The script
has been written so that it can be run using
multiple processors. Run the script with multiple processors and
\(10^8\) iterations with:
$ srun --cpus-per-task=2 python3 --nprocs=2 100000000
After you have run the script, do the following:
slurm history
to check theTotalCPUTime
. Compare them to the timings for the single CPU run with \(10^8\) iterations.Use
to check CPU performance of the job.
Monitoring-5: No output
You submit a job, and it should be writing some stuff to the output. But nothing is appearing in the output file. What’s wrong?
If it’s only been a few minutes, output is probably still buffered. This happens to avoid writing to disk for every line, which would otherwise slow down a program a lot.
FYI, interactive programs are usually line-buffered (display to terminal after each line) and non-interactive programs usually fully buffered (output after every few kB.) Search “[language] flush buffers” to see how to force it to write sooner - but remove this after debugging!
What’s next?
Next tutorial is about different ways of doing parallel computing.