
This uses Singularity containers, so you should refer to that page first for general information.

There are two variants of Whisper available. The “standard” Whisper uses whisper-ctranslate2, which is a CLI for faster-whisper, a reimplementation of OpenAI’s Whisper using Ctranslate2. Original repository for this project can be found here.

The second variant is whisper-diarization, which is a fork of faster-whisper with support for speaker detection (diarization). Original repository for this project can be found here.

Of these two, whisper-diarization runs noticable slower and has less versatile options. Using base Whisper is recommended if speaker detection is not necessary.

Usage (Whisper)

This example shows you a sample script to run Whisper.

$ module load whisper
$ srun --mem=4G singularity_wrapper run your_audio_file.wav --model_directory $medium_en --local_files_only True --language en

Option --model_directory $medium_en Tells whisper to use a local model, in this case the model medium.en with the path to the model given through the environment variable $medium_en. For list of all local models, you can run echo $model_names as long as the module is loaded. (These models are pre-downloaded by us and the variables are defined when the module is loaded.) You can also give it a path to your own model if you have one. The other imporant option here is --local_file_only True. This stops Whisper from checking if there are newer versions of the model online. The option --language LANG is not necessary, but whisper’s language detection is sometimes weird.

If you are transcribing language different from English, use a general model e.g. $medium. If your source audio is in English, using English-specific models is usually a performance gain.

For full list of options, run:

$ singularity_wrapper run --help

Notes on general Slurm resources:

  • For memory, requesting roughly 4G for medium model or smaller, and 8G for large should be sufficient.

  • When running on CPU, requesting additional CPUs should give a performance increase until 8 CPUS. Whisper doesn’t scale properly beyond 8 CPUS, and will actually run slower in most cases.

Running on GPU

Singularity-wrapper takes care of making GPUs available for the container, so all you need to do to run Whisper on a GPU is use the previous command and add additional flag: --device cuda. Without this, Whisper will only run on a CPU even if a GPU is available. Remember to request a GPU in the Slurm job.

Usage (Whisper-diarization)

This example shows you a sample script to run whisper-diarization.

$ module load whisper-diarization
$ srun --mem=6G singularity_wrapper run -a your_audio_file.wav --whisper-model $medium_en

Option --whisper-model $medium_en Tells whisper which model to use, in this case medium.en. If you use environment variables that come with the module to specify the model, whisper will run using a local model. Otherwise it will download the model to your home directory. For list of all local models, run echo $model_names with whisper-diarization loaded.

Note that syntax is unfortunately somewhat different compared to plain whisper. You need to specify the audio file to use with the argument -a audio_file.wav and similarily the syntax to specificy the model is different.

For full list of options, run:

$ singularity_wrapper run --help

Notes on general Slurm resources:

  • Whisper-diarization requires slightly more memory than plain Whisper. Requesting roughly 6G for medium model or smaller, and 12G for large should be sufficient.

  • When running on CPU, requesting additional CPUs should give a performance increase until 8 CPUS. Whisper doesn’t scale properly beyond 8 CPUS, and will actually run slower in most cases.

Running on GPU

Compared to plain Whisper, running whisper-diarization on GPU takes little more work. Singularity-wrapper still takes care of making GPUs available for the container and you still specify you want to use GPU using the flag --device cuda.

Unfortunately whisper-diarization requires multiple models when using a GPU , and there isn’t a practical way to use local models for this. For this reason, you should create a symlink from whisper’s cache folder in your home, to your work directory. This way you avoid filling your home directory’s quota.

To do this, run following commands:

$ mkdir -p ~/.cache/huggingface/ ~/.cache/torch/NeMo temp_cache/huggingface/ temp_cache/NeMo/ $WRKDIR/whisper_cache/huggingface $WRKDIR/whisper_cache/NeMo
$ mv ~/.cache/huggingface/* temp_cache/huggingface/
$ mv ~/.cache/torch/NeMo/* temp_cache/NeMo/
$ rmdir ~/.cache/huggingface/ ~/.cache/torch/NeMo
$ ln -s $WRKDIR/whisper_cache/huggingface ~/.cache/
$ ln -s $WRKDIR/whisper_cache/NeMo ~/.cache/torch/
$ mv temp_cache/huggingface/* ~/.cache/huggingface/
$ mv temp_cache/NeMo/* ~/.cache/torch/NeMo
$ rmdir temp_cache/huggingface temp_cache/NeMo temp_cache

This bunch of commands first creates cache folders if they don’t exist and moves any existing files to temp directory, Next it creates symlinks to your work directory in place of original cache directories, and moves all previous files back. This way all downloaded files exist on your work instead of eating your home quota.

Converting audio files

Whisper should automatically convert your audio file to a correct format when you run it. In the case this does not work, you can convert it on Triton using ffmpeg with following commands:

$ module load ffmpeg
$ ffmpeg -i input_file.audio output.wav

If you want to extract audio from a video, you can instead do:

$ module load ffmpeg
$ ffmpeg -i input_file.video -map 0:a output.wav