The Julia programming language is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, in the same space as e.g. MATLAB, Scientific Python, or R. For more details, see their web page.
Interactive usage
Julia is available in the module system. By default the latest stable release is loaded:
module load julia
Batch usage
Running Julia scripts as batch jobs is also possible. An example batch script is provided below:
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
#SBATCH --mem=1G
module load julia
srun julia juliascript.jl
Number of threads to use
By default Julia uses up to 16 threads for linear algebra (BLAS)
computations. In most cases, this number will be larger than the amount
of CPUs reserved for the job. Thus when running Julia jobs it is a good idea
to set the number of parallelization threads to be equal to the number of
threads reserved for the job with --cpus-per-task
. Otherwise, the
performance of your program might be poor. This can be done by adding the
following line to your slurm-script:
Alternatively, you can use the blas_set_num_threads()
-function in Julia.