Open OnDemand


Triton OOD is under development and is available as a preview/for feedback. It may or may not work at any given time as work on it. It is probably best to use our chat to give quick feedback.

Open OnDemand is a web-based interface to computer clusters. It provides a low-threshold way to do easy work and shell access to do more. It complements, not replaces, the traditional ssh access: just like with Jupyter, it may help you get started, but most people will eventually move towards shell access (even if that shell is via Open OnDemand).


Address: . Log in with the usual Aalto login. Connections only from Aalto networks or VPN. A pre-existing Triton account is needed.

How to use

The first view is a dashboard that provides an interface to a number of applications:

  • Shell: Top bar → Clusters → Triton shell access. Or via the file manager.

  • Files: Top bar → Files → choose your directory. You can upload and download files this way.

  • Other applications via the main page or Top bar → Interactive Apps → (choose).


Once logged in, there are ways to start separate applications, for example Jupyter. These run as separate, independent processes.

We have these applications available and supported:

  • Jupyter

  • RStudio

  • Matlab

  • Spyder

  • Code Server

Choose partition ‘interactive’ and a correct account.

Current issues

  • Apps will be adjusted.