AI and Machine Learning

This page is for users interested in performing machine learning or other AI-related tasks on Triton.

Working interactively with Jupyter on Triton

Triton provides a Jupyter interface in Open OnDemand: This service runs on CPU computing nodes and allows you to run Python code interactively. You can use it to run small-scale machine learning and other AI-related tasks.

Python environment for machine learning

Via module load scicomp-python-env, you can load an Aalto Scientific Computing(ASC) managed Python environment with commonly used packages, such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, jax, etc. This is also the default kernel for Jupyter on Triton. More info on Triton pre-built scicomp-python-env. Another ASC managed Python environment is scicomp-llm-env which is meant for large language models (LLMs) tasks and includes packages like Huggingface Transformers, llama_cpp_python, vllm, langchain, fastapi,etc. You can also create customized Python Environments with Conda for your jobs.

Data storage and I/O for machine learning

Data storage and I/O play a critical role in the performance of machine learning tasks on HPCs. Properly handling data can significantly speed up training and inference.

Local storage on computing nodes are the recommended places for I/O operations, especially for tasks that involve large datasets and require repeated data loading. Also read the section smallfiles and lustre for more information on how to handle millions of small files efficiently on Triton.

Modern machine learning frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow have been implemented to take advantage of multiple CPU cores for I/O operations such as data loading. For example, try different values for –cpus-per-task in combination with using a DataLoader to see if you get a speed-up:


#SBATCH --gpus=1                 # gpu count
#SBATCH --ntasks=1               # total number of tasks
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8        # cpu-cores per task

For more information regarding data loading, see Tensorflow’s and PyTorch’s guides.

To save your quota, we have downloaded some datasets and large language models to the shared folder /scratch/shareddata/dldata. For detailed instructions/examples, please refer to the LLMs section or our example repositories:,

GPU-accelerated model training

A typical slurm script for GPU-accelerated model training looks like this:


#SBATCH --job-name=torch-test    # job name
#SBATCH --ntasks=1               # total number of tasks
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8        # cpu-cores per task
#SBATCH --mem=40G                # total memory
#SBATCH --gpus=1                 # number of gpus
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00          # time limit
#SBATCH --mail-type=end          # send mail when job ends
#SBATCH --mail-user=<your-email>

module purge
module load scicomp-python-env
python --epochs=5

Maximizing GPU utilization is a key factor in achieving high performance on GPUs. Please read the section Keeping GPUs occupied when doing deep learning for detailed information and try out the strategies discussed there to see how GPU utilization changes.

To see how efficiently your job is using the GPU when it has started, run the command slurm q to check out the node name. SSH to that node via ssh <nodename> and then run the command watch -n 1 nvidia-smi to monitor the GPU utilization and allocated memory to the GPU. Type Ctrl+C to exit the watch command. Use the exit command exit to leave the compute node and return to the login node.

To monitor resource usage of completed/failed jobs, one can use sacct.

For example, with the following command, you can see the resource usage of a job with jobid <jobid>:

sacct -j <jobid> -o TRESUsageInAve,TRESUsageInMax,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize,Elapsed,State -p


If you want to do a more thorough analysis of your code’s execution and identify performance bottlenecks to optimize resource usage, there are several tools such as nsys, ncu available on triton for profiling your code, see the GPU profiling section for more information regarding profiling tools and report visualization approaches.

Distributed model training

When you want to handle larger datasets or more complex models that can’t fit into the memory of a single GPU, you can use distributed model training. In general, this will help speed up model training and scale your machine learning tasks in HPC environments. However, because more resources are required, the queue time will increase. For the time being, Triton only supports single-node, multi-GPU jobs.

A proper distributed learning run requires setting some environment variables. The official documents of most deep learning frameworks may not aim at slurm-managed cluster environments, so we have created some examples to make it easier for you to do distributed model training on Triton, such as a DDP example: The work is in progress and we will add more examples in the future. You are welcome to share your examples.

Hyperparameter searching

A straightforward way for hyperparameter searching is using a job array. This will allow you to run multiple jobs with one sbatch command. Each job within the array trains the network using a different set of parameters. A simple example looks like this:


#SBATCH --job-name=array_job_name
#SBATCH --output=torch_%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --array=0-14

# Parameter arrays
parameterA=(0.1 0.01 0.001)
parameterB=(2 4 6 8 10)

# Calculate index
index_A=$((SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID / 5))
index_B=$((SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID % 5))

# Extract the actual value based on the index

python --parameterA $valueA --parameterB $valueB

Working with large language models

As mentioned above, you can find more instructions on how to use open source LLMs on its dedicated documentation page . For more generative AI services in Aalto, see Generative-ai-tools.

Deep learning softwares

If you need to use other software that can not be easily installed via conda, for example, some software that requires a specific dependency or a specific version of a dependency that is not available on triton or needs to run in a container, open an issue to tell us so we can help you.

More resources

If you are working on CSC’s platforms, it is worth referring to CSC’s example repo.