jupyter.cs news

Spring 2024

  • We had a user’s group meeting. You can find the slides here, including commentary.

  • Scicomp garage now has a focus day for jupyter.cs on Wednesdays.

Autumn 2023

  • JupyterLab is now available and is the default for new course servers. If you’d like to continue using Jupyter Notebook for your courses, let us know when requesting a new course. JupyterLab now supports everything nbgrader needs, though the user interface is slightly different. You can send Doing Assignments in JupyterLab to your students for instructions.

Summer/Autumn 2020

  • You can now make a direct link that will spawn a notebook server, for example for a course with a slug of testcourse: `https://jupyter.cs.aalto.fi/hub/spawn?profile=testcourse If the user is already running a server, it will not switch to the new course. Expect some subtle confusion with this. Full info in FAQ and hints.