Doing Assignments in JupyterLab


This is a tutorial for courses that distribute and collect their assignments on JupyterHub. Feel free to use JupyterHub for your other courses as well, but note that you won’t be able to collect and submit your assignments this way.

Go to and sign in with your account to access JupyterHub. You can find more general information about it in JupyterHub (jupyter.cs). Select your course and start a session. Your will see that you are under the notebooks/ folder, which is your home directory. Make sure you put everything important here, files saved elsewhere will get deleted when your session ends.


You can see currently available assignments by going to “Nbgrader->Assignment List” in the menu bar.


If no assignments are visible, make sure the right course is selected in the drop down menu. It might also be possible that your instructor has not released any assignments yet.

Click in the “Fetch” button to download the assignment into notebooks/<course-name>/.


You can also click on the assignment name under “Downloaded assignments” to list and quickly open the associated notebooks.


Follow the instructions in the notebook, and don’t forget to save your work! Once you are done, you can go back to the Assignment List and press the “Submit” button. You can submit an assignment multiple times, but your instructor will probably use only your latest submission.

At this point, you can delete the assignment files from your notebooks/ directory if you’d like, but it is often a good idea to keep a copy of your work somewhere.

Some courses might also give you feedback on your assignment here. If you press the “Fetch Feedback” button before your instructor releases feedback, nothing will happen. Pressing the button when feedback is available will download it into notebooks/<course-name>/feedback/<submission>/. You can also click on “view feedback” to open this folder immediately.


Each notebook in the assignment will have a corresponding feedback file, where you can see how your responses were graded along with comments left by the grader.

Tips and Good to Knows

  • Don’t forget to submit your assignment. Without you submitting it, your instructor will not have any access to your work.

  • Don’t duplicate cells. Copy and pasting cells might lead to your work being ignored. It is safe to copy-paste the contents of the cell, but the cell itself should be added anew (using the plus button on the toolbar or ‘b’).

  • Validate is nothing special, it is basically equivalent to restarting the kernel and running all cells.

  • Google Colab warning: In the past, users have reported issues with using Google Colab for their assignments. Uploading your assignment notebooks to Colab might create problems. While it was working the last time we checked (Feb 2023), Colab can overwrite the metadata of your notebook and break nbgrader functionality. If you want to use Colab safely, you should copy-paste your code back to the notebook in JupyterHub instead of uploading the Colab-edited notebook.