JupyterHub (jupyter.cs) for instructors
See also
Main article with general usage instructions: Jupyterhub for Teaching. For research purposes, see Triton JupyterHub.
Jupyter is an open-source web-based system for interactive computing in “notebooks”, highly known for its features and ease of use. Nbgrader (“notebook grader”) is a Jupyter extension to support automatic grading via notebooks. The primary advantage (and drawback) is its simplicity: there is very little difference between the notebook format for research work and automatic grading. This lowers the barrier to creating assignments and means that the interface students (and you) learn is directly applicable to (research) projects that may come later.
Nbgrader documentation is at https://nbgrader.readthedocs.io/, and is necessary reading to understand how to use it. For a quickstart in the notebook format, see the highlights page. However, the Noteable service documentation (https://noteable.edina.ac.uk/documentation/) is generally much better, and most of it is applicable to here as well. The information included in these is not duplicated here, and is required in order to use jupyter.cs.
Below, you mostly find documentation specific to jupyter.cs and important notes you do not find other places.
CS-IT. (students, always contact your course instructors first.)
Chat via scicomp chat, https://scicomp.zulip.cs.aalto.fi, stream
for quick questions (don’t send personal data here, it is public).Issues needing action (new courses, autograding, software installation, etc) via the CS IT email alias guru @ cs dot aalto.fi
Realtime support via Triton, SciComp, RSE, and CS every day at 13:00, focus days on Wednesdays but some help might be possible on other days (good for screensharing to show a problem, you can prepare us by mentioning your issue in the chat first). You can coordinate by chat to be sure.
More info
The Noteable is a commercial service using nbgrader and has some good documentation: https://noteable.edina.ac.uk/documentation/
For source code and reporting issues, see the main jupyterhub page.