November 2021 / Linux Shell Basics

Part of Scientific Computing in Practice lecture series at Aalto University.

Audience: employees and students looking for an extensive intro into Linux shell / terminal.

About the course: Linux shell is what you get when you open a terminal. This course will cover all the basics that we will need later on for the most part of the courses given during the year. We will unleash the power of that blinking cursor in the terminal window. Windows/Mac/Linux users are warmly welcome.

We will start with somewhat basics like files and processes and go up to command line magic like redirections and pipes. This should be enough to get started with the Linux terminal.

There is an advanced part of this course given later in the spring. There on we go through the programming techniques including advanced ones, while here we get familiar with the command line.

Lecturer: Ivan Degtyarenko, D. Sc., Science IT / Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University

Time, date, place: the course consists of three hands-on sessions, both Zoom link and on-site

On-site: Otakaari 1 (main building), U135a U7 PWC

Zoom: link to be posted to the registered participants list

  • Mon 8.11 klo 12:00-15:00

  • Wed 10.11 klo 12:00-15:00

  • Fri 12.11 klo 12:00-15:00

Course material: will be mostly based on the first part of

Cost: Free of charge for FCCI consortium members including Aalto employees and students.

Registration: Please register here

Credits: Course certificate can be provided on request, though no official ECTS.

Other comments: During the tutorials we’ll use a terminal with a BASH shell, means that either you have a Linux/Mac computer at your place or a Windows PC with the Git BASH, or VDI to a Linux, or SSH client installed for accessing any of Linux server (kosh/lyta etc at Aalto, we will touch the SSH connection issue on the first session).

Additional course info at: ivan.degtyarenko -at-