Oct 2019 / Introduction to distributed computing with HTCondor

Part of Scientific Computing in Practice lecture series at Aalto University.

Audience: Employees and students looking for an extensive intro into high-throughput computing.

About the course: HTCondor is a framework for distributed computing, utilizing the idle CPU time on Aalto Linux workstations. This course consists of a basic introduction to Condor and a tutorial for running serial and parallel applications on the department Condor network. Course consists of two 2h tutorials, first day is an introduction to HTCondor basics, and the other day advanced techniques like checkpointing, running MATLAB app and ASCOT implementation as an example.

To get some details of the high-throughput computing, take a look at What is HTCondor?

Lecturer: Jari Varje (Doctoral Candidate), Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University


  • Tue 29.10 at 12-14

  • Wed 30.10 at 12-14

Place: Otakaari 1, U135a

Course materials:

Cost: Free of charge for FGCI consortium members including Aalto employees and students.

Registration: registration closed

Other comments: Participants are expected to bring their own laptops. We will use SSH for connections to department networks. One can follow the theoretical part without a laptop, though if you want to try the tutorial you’d better have one.

Additional course info at: jari.varje -at- aalto.fi / ivan.degtyarenko -at- aalto.fi