Secure Shell (SSH) is the standard program for connecting to remote servers and transferring data. It is very secure and well-supported, so it’s worth learning to use it properly. This page both gives a bit of a crash course (top) and more details (bottom) for all common connection methods.


Check the tabs below for your operating system and methods to see which method you want to use.

PowerShell is built in to Windows 10 and includes OpenSSH (the same as on Linux). Start the “Windows PowerShell” program. Then, follow the “Command line” instructions on most of this page if there isn’t a separate PowerShell tab. If you want to set up SSH keys there are a few differences but overall it is the same procedure.

This should work by default on recent Windows 10.

This guide uses Aalto University’s HPC cluster as an example, but should be applicable to other remote servers at Aalto as well and many other outsiders as well.

Basic use: connect to a server

The standard login command with the command line is:

$ ssh

where USER is your username (Aalto: standard Aalto login, not email address) and is the address of the server you with to connect - replace this for your situation.

First time login: check host key

When connecting to a new computer, you will be prompted to affirm that you wish to connect to this server for the first time. This lets you make sure you are connecting to the right computer (which is important if you type a password!). You’ll get a message such as:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:04Wt813WFsYjZ7KiAyo3u6RiGBelq1R19oJd2GXIAho.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

If possible, compare the key fingerprint you get to the one for the machine which you can find online (Triton cluster: Triton ssh key fingerprints, Aalto servers), and if they do not match, please contact the server administrator immediately. If they do match, type yes and press enter. You will receive a notice:

Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

The public key that identifies Triton will be stored in the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts and you shouldn’t get this prompt again. You will be also asked to input your Aalto password before you are fully logged in. You want to say “yes, save the key for the future” - it’s more secure and you can always change it later if needed.

Checking known servers

You will not receive an authenticity prompt upon first login if the server’s public key can be found in a list of known hosts. To check whether a server, for example, is known:

$ ssh-keygen -F

Your computer might come with some keys pre-loaded for your university’s computers, for example:

$ ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts -F

SSH keys: better than just passwords

By default, you will need to type your password each time you wish to ssh into Triton, which can be tiresome, particularly if you regularly have multiple sessions open simultaneously. A more secure (and faster) way to authenticate yourself is to use a SSH key pair (this is public-key cryptography. The private key should be encrypted with a strong password xkcd has good and amusing recommendations on the subject of passwords. This authentication method will allow you to log into multiple ssh sessions while only needing to enter your password once, saving you time and keystrokes.

You make a key on your own computer/laptop, the copy the public (*.pub) side to the cluster. The private one (without .pub) stays on your computer.

Generate an SSH key

While there are many options for the key generation program ssh-keygen, here are the four main ones.

  • -t -> the cryptosystem used to make the unique key-pair and encrypt it.

  • -f -> filename of key

  • -C -> comment on what the key is for

Here are our recommended input options for key generation:

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519

This works on Linux, MacOS, Windows

Accept the default name of the key file by pushing enter with no extra text(it will be automatically used later). Then, you will be prompted to enter a password. PLEASE use a strong unique password. Upon confirming the password, you will be presented with the key fingerprint as both a SHA256 hex string as well as randomart image. Your new key pair should be found in the hidden ~/.ssh directory (A directory called .ssh in your user’s home directory).

Key type ed25519 makes a private key named ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 and public key named ~/.ssh/ The private key only stays on your computer. The public key goes to other comuters. Other key types were common in the past, and you may need to change your filenames in some of the future commands (for exmaple ~/.ssh/

Copy public key to server

In order to use your key-pair to login to a server (for example: the Triton cluster), you first need to securely copy the desired public key to the machine with ssh-copy-id. The script will also add the key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server. You will be prompted to enter your Aalto password to initiate the secure copy of the file to Triton.

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

Connecting from outside of the Aalto network

Sometimes, you can’t connect directly to the computer you need to, since there is a jump host as some sort of a firewall. You need to connect to that computer first. This is described below in the section ProxyJump, but we give first workaround here. but roughly.

All this is easier if you set up a config file with ProxyJump (-J) first, and copy keys one at a time. (see as described below). Once this is done, you can copy your key to kosh first, then triton_via_kosh for example.

Aalto University: If you can connect by VPN, or to Eduroam, then you can directly access the Triton cluster and copy your key like above.

First copy the key to the jump host (like, then copy to your final destination (like

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ -o

Login with SSH key

If the key is in one of the standard filenames, it should work directly.

SSH key agent

To avoid having to type the decryption password, the private key needs to be added to the ssh-agent with the command

You will need administrative permissions to be able to start a ssh-agent on your machine that can store and handle passwords.

  1. Open Services from the start menu

  2. Scroll down to OpenSSH Authentication Agent > double click

  3. Change the Startup type to Automatic (Delayed Start), or anything that is not Disabled, then Apply, and also start the service manually if it is not yet running.

  4. ssh-add to add the default key (to add a certain key, use ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519, for example)

Once the password is added, you can ssh as normal but will immediately be connected without any further prompts for passwords.


Often, you can’t connect directly to your target computer: you need to go through some other firewall host. This is often done with two separate ssh commands, but can be done with only one with the -J (ProxyJump) option:

$ ssh -J

Both of these can take more options, for example if you need to specify your username you might need to do it twice:

$ ssh -J

Read more details at, including putting this in your configuration file (or see below).

(Windows with PuTTY: Connection > Proxy > Proxy type=”SSH to proxy and use port forward.”, then enter the firewall host as “Proxy hostname” and port 22.


Connections can be even faster: you can re-use existing connections to start new connections, so that future ssh commands to the same host are almost instant. It multiplexes across the same connection, and is controlled by ControlMaster, ControlPath, and ControlPersist. With a proper SSH key setup, the gain is minimal, but it can be useful sometimes. It is not recommend to use this unless you really want this, since there are some gotchas::

  • Connections hanging (e.g. unstable network, changing network) will cause all multiplexed connections to hang.

  • All multiplexed connections need to stop before the master process (first SSH connection) will stop. So if you try to exit the first SSH but child processes are using it, it will appear to hang - this may not be obvious.

  • If you are using with ProxyJump, there are two possible SSH processes which can hang and cause things to go wrong.

  • Only use this on your own computers that you control, for security reasons.

This works with OpenSSH. If you want to use this, to you ssh config file (see below) add ControlMaster auto and ControlPath /tmp/.ssh-USER-mux-ssh-%r@%h:%p (replacing USER with your username) and test well. You might want ServerAliveInterval 30 to kill stuff soon if network goes down. We don’t give a full example to prevent unintended problems. If you notice weird things happening with your ssh, point your helpers to this section.

Config file: don’t type so many options

Remembering the full settings list for the server you are working on each time you log in can be tedious. A ssh config file allows you to store your preferred settings and map them to much simpler login commands. To create a new user-restricted config file

$ touch ~/.ssh/config && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

Open the created file to edit it as indicated below.

For a new configuration, you need specify in config at minimum the

  • Host: the name of the settings list

  • User: your login name when connecting to the server (if different from the username on your computer)

  • Hostname: the address of the server

So for the simple Triton example, it would be:

# Configuration file for simplifying SSH logins
# HPC slurm cluster
Host triton

and you can use only this command to log in from now on:

$ ssh triton

Any additional server configs can follow the first one and must start with declaring the configuration Host:

# general login server
Host kosh
# light-computing server
Host brute

There are optional ssh settings that may be useful for your work, such as:

# Turn on X11 forwarding for Xterm graphics access
ForwardX11 yes
# Connect through another server (eg Kosh) if not connected directly to Aalto network

Full sample config file

The following code is placed in the config file created above (i.e. ~/.ssh/config on Mac/Linux or %USERPROFILE%/.ssh/config on windows):

# general login server
Host kosh

# Triton, via kosh
Host triton_via_kosh
    ProxyJump kosh

Now, you can just do command such as:

$ ssh triton
$ rsync triton:/m/cs/scratch/some_file .
## And this works in any other tool that uses ssh.

directly, by using the triton alias. Note that the Triton rule uses the name kosh which is defined in the first part of the file.
