RSE project done

Discuss with the researchers

  • Explicitly confirm with customers that we are ending our focus on this project and won’t do more until we hear from them again.

  • Confirm it is publicly released, licensed, everything is done (or discuss what else might need to be done).

  • Make sure outputs are reported into ACRIS This is important because it makes our work visible.

    • Software: Add Content → Research output → Artistic and non-textual output → Software.

    • Data: (Add Content → Dataset)

    • For each entry, under “Facilities/Equipment”, add “”Science IT””. This links it as an output of Aalto RSE.

    • Anyone can do this and add other relevant authors. The metadata entry can be made private or public, and the actual software/data is usually hosted elsewhere (and can be public or not).

  • Discuss what to do if there are issues in the future - garage, issue tracker, training courses.

  • Discuss what else may (or may not) need doing in the future.

Internal (RSE group) tasks

  • Issue tracker:

    • /summary should contain a several sentence summary focused on the benefit to RSE service (this is used for final reports, etc).

    • Confirm other metadata is correct

      • /contact, /supervisor contains people who may get emails about the project later (and shouldn’t contain people who may be surprised about automated survey emails). If these people should not get

      • /timesaved

      • Outputs /projects, /publications, /software, /datasets, /outputs

  • Get an interesting picture or screenshot for use in future material.

    • Not needed if there are overriding confidentiality considerations. The picture should never include personal data or data coming from a research subject (unless it’s already open).

    • Add to triton:/scratch/scicomp/aaltoscicomp-marketing.git (pictures/rse/).

    • Include a readme with citation, confirmation of what usage permissions there are, and a one-sentence general description suitable for presentations.

    • Examples; screenshot of website, screenshot of code that looks interesting, screenshot of repository page, picture of hardware device used, etc.

  • Add it to the next meeting agenda. We will collaboratively do an analysis to find lessons learned:

    • Facts about the project

    • Arrange facts into the big picture and timeline

    • Draw conclusions: what went well and did not go well? What were the causes of the good and bad things?

    • Lessons learned: what to do differently in the future.