2020 Triton/Scicomp user group meeting

You are warmly invited to our annual user group meeting. The user group meeting is an excellent opportunity to get quick updates about the Triton high performance computing cluster, support and learning services provided by Science IT/Aalto Scientific Computing, and what is coming in the near future.

As you have noticed we have expanded our aims, from a Triton/HPC-focused mindset to a community-focused mindset with the goals of helping our researchers to be more productive with their computational needs as well as to teach and learn together the best practices in research software engineering, data management, and open science.

When: Monday 19/10/2020

Time: 14:00 - 15:00

Where: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/61322268370

  • Who we are

  • Triton hardware updates

  • Hands on computational courses

  • User support

  • Research Software Engineering program

  • Future

There is no registration needed, you can join at any time.