Requesting Science-IT department storage space
Existing data groups and responsible contacts:
Aalto: Aalto IT servicedesk
Requesting to be added to a group
CS department: New! Group owners/managers can add members to their groups self-service. Go to from Aalto networks, over VPN, or remote desktop at, and it should be obvious.
Send an email to the responsible department/IT services email address (see above) and CC the group owner or responsible person. An example message is below:
Hi, I (account=omes1) would like to join the group
. I am aware that all data stored here is managed by the group’s owner and have read the data management policies.I have cc:ed GROUP_MANAGER_NAME, who can reply with confirmation of adding me to the group.
Do you need access to Triton project scratch directories? If so, you need a Triton account and you should request it separately.
Requesting a new group
Send an email such as the below to the right contact address (mix and match to make it suit your needs). Include whichever paragraphs are relevant to your needs. The group owners should be long-term (e.g. professor level) staff, but it can be requested by someone else who cc:s the owner (please discuss some first):
I would like to request a new project directory named
on the [Triton scratch / XXX department project / Aalto teamwork] drive.We would like 200GB of storage space on the [CS department project / Triton scratch / etc.] filesystems
I am the owner, but my postdoc Tiina Tekkari can also approve adding new members to the access group. / [Use this ] I am requesting this on behalf of my supervisor, cc:ed.
[ Should I become unavailable, my colleague Anna Algorithmi (also a professor here) can provide advice on what to do with the data / Follow these special instructions: … ]
The initial people who have access should be: LIST_OF_PEOPLE
This is for our day to day work in algorithms development, we don’t expect anything surprising about this data. There isn’t any personal data here.